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Care for the Rare to Address Taiwanese Association of Zoos & Aquariums on Innovations in Welfare-Based Design & Management

Dr Jake Veasey

May 25, 2023

Care for the Rare share's the latest insights into welfare-based zoo design and management with the Taiwanese Zoo community, as well as running workshops on mixed species habitat management.

Dr Jake Veasey is pleased to have been invited to speak for the second time at a welfare conference hosted by the Taiwanese Zoo Association and Taipei Zoo; "Beyond Survival': The Psychological Wellbeing of Exhibited Animals International Conference". We are focusing on how innovations in animal welfare science are transforming zoo design, and hosting workshops on managing species in mixed species habitats. Registration opens soon - we hope to see you there!

#TAZA #animalwelfare #zoodesign #Taipeizoo #beyondsurvival #carefortherare #welfarescience

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