Bringing the functional complexity of the wild into managed environments

Now firmly established in the peer reviewed scientific literature, the Animal Welfare Priority Identification System (AWPIS), was developed to quantify for the first time, the value of naturally occurring behavioural and cognitive opportunities to wild animals in captivity, whether animals are able to experience those opportunities or not. Assessments across a range of species has revealed the ability of animals to undertake journeys comparable to those made in the wild in terms of distance and outcomes, is a priority.
Meaningful movement is about so much more than the biomechanics of locomotion, it's the ability of animals to undertake journeys to and from biologically appropriate places, circumstances, and opportunities of their choosing, comparable to those made in the wild. Meaningful movement is the manifestation of the choices animals make, it is a vehicle to achieve rewarding outcomes, to learn, to navigate, experience diversity and novelty, to exert control, and to behave socially where appropriate. It is the predominant activity of most wild animals, it is the behavioural glue connecting important behavioural and cognitive priorities and it has been neglected for too long.

New insights into the needs of wild animals have coincided with the availability of new technologies, meaning for the first time, it is possible to bring the functional complexity of the wild to managed habitats. With a proof of concept in development for tigers, the underlying technologies are ready for adaptation and deployment to other wide-ranging species. If you are planning to build a habitat for any wide ranging species, get in touch and find out how we can bring the functional complexity of the wild to your facility.